Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

Merging PowerPoint presentations can be useful in various scenarios such as combining content from multiple PPT/PPTX, merging parts of a single presentation created by two or more people, and etc. The manual way of copying/pasting the content may not be suitable when dealing with a number of presentations. Therefore, this article lets the .NET developers learn how to merge PowerPoint presentations programmatically using C#.

.NET PowerPoint Merger API

Aspose.Slides for .NET is a feature-rich .NET PowerPoint API that lets you create and manipulate presentation documents. Along with that, it allows you to combine two or more PowerPoint presentations using C# or VB.NET. You can download the API’s DLL or install it using NuGet.

Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C#

May 18, 2015 PowerPoint's Reuse Slides feature lets you quickly add slides from one presentation into another. In addition, you can use the Custom Slide Show to define multiple shows within the same.

In this section, you will learn how to clone and merge all the slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another. For this, you can simply clone the slides from the source presentation and add them at the end of the target presentation. The following are the steps to merge two presentations.

  • In ActivePresenter, you can merge as many slides into one as you want. To merge multiple slides, do as followings: Step 1: Select slides that you want to merge. Hold Ctrl/Shift while clicking to select multiple ones. Step 2: Right click on the Slide Pane and select Merge Slides (3) from the pop-up menu.
  • Open your PowerPoint presentation in Normal view. If the left slide pane and command ribbon do.
  • Oct 05, 2017 Another nice thing about combining into one slide presentation deck is that your numbering will be consistent. There is nothing worse than switching presentations mid-presentation to have the slide number off or out of order. It makes referencing a particular slide a heck of a lot easier. So there you have it. Mystery solved.
  • Using this method you can merge multiple PowerPoint presentations into a single cohesive presentation file. If you are looking for high-quality PowerPoint Templates with flexible designs and editable slide objects, see our archive of more than 7000 Premium PowerPoint Templates.
  • Create an object of Presentation class to load the target presentation file.
  • Create another Presentation object to load the source presentation from where you’ll clone the slides.
  • Access the collection of slides from source presentation using Presentation.Slides property.
  • Loop through the slides collection and merge them into the target presentation using Presentation.Slides.AddClone(ISlide) method.
  • Save the merged presentation using Presentation.Save(String, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to merge two PowerPoint presentations using C#.

View the code on Gist.

Target Presentation

Source Presentation

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Kits

Merged Presentation

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Plan

Merge Particular Slides of PowerPoint Presentations using C#

In the previous example, you have merged all the slides from the source PPTX file into the target PPTX. However, there might be the case when you need to merge only the selected slides. In such a case, you can specify the slides to be merged using the slide’s index. The following are the steps to perform this operation.

  • Load the target presentation using the Presentation class.
  • Load the source presentation using the Presentation class.
  • Clone the desired slides using presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides[int Index]) method.
  • Save the merged presentation as a new PPTX file.

The following code sample shows how to merge particular slides of presentations using C#.

View the code on Gist.

Merged Presentation

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck To Another In Google Slide


Use Slide Master while Merging PowerPoint Presentations


In both of the previous examples, you have merged the slides keeping the design and template of the source presentation. However, in certain cases, you may need to modify the layout of the slides in accordance with the target presentation. In such cases, you can use the overloaded presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides[1], presentation1.Masters[0], true) method.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck

The following code sample shows how to merge the slides in PowerPoint presentation using the Slide Master in C#.

View the code on Gist.

Merged Presentation


In this article, you have learned how to merge two or multiple PowerPoint presentations using C#. You can port the C# code samples in order to merge presentations using VB.NET. In case you want to explore more about Aspose’s .NET PowerPoint API, you can visit the documentation.

See Also

We’ve had questions about the possibility of combining several of our templates into one presentation. Essentially, how do you mix and match slides from different animated templates?

It’s actually very easy to do if you are using PowerPoint 2007 or newer. I’ve put together a video tutorial about how to use the “Reuse Slides” function in PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2007 to combine slides from various templates.

Click Play to watch Video Tutorial

Note For Combining Several Animated Templates Together.

Combining Multiple Powerpoint Presentations Into One Slide Deck Plans

Remember that the more animated templates you combine the larger your presentation will become. A number of video files will make your presentation quite bulky. This could be a problem if you are distributing the completed presentation.

Please leave a comment if you find this tutorial helpful or have any questions.

You can download the templates used in this video here.

Mac PowerPoint 2008 and 2011 instructions.

In Mac PowerPoint, inserting slides from other presentations or templates work pretty much the same way but the command is labeled differently. The function is located under the “Insert” menu. Look for Insert/Slides From/Other Presentations. See screen shot below:

Powerpoint Slide Deck Samples

Insert Slides from other presentations in Mac PowerPoint 2008 and 2011

Powerpoint Use Multiple Slide Masters


In the slide finder, be sure to check “Keep Design of Original Slide” to retain the formatting, animations and other graphic elements. Otherwise PowerPoint will only copy the text and not slides design.