United State Rifle, Caliber .30 Model of 1917

Remington Model 1917 Rifle Serial Numbers For Sale
However, most Model 1917 rifles seen today will have Parkerized finishes due to the extensive post-WWI arsenal overhauls to which most of the rifles were subjected. The model designation, serial number and name of the manufacturer were stamped on top of the receiver ring. It has serial numbers, 600,000 series, on the receiver Eddystone Arsenal was the manufacturing plant responsible for producing the Remington contract Model 1917 rifles for the U. While the tint and texture of the blued finish could vary a bit during the course of manufacture, the workmanship was always first-rate. Remington Model 1917 Bolt Action Rifle This first day of production Remington bolt action rifle bears serial number 137. The British government armory at Enfield Lock, Middlesex, was founded in 1804 to assemble Brown Bess muskets for use by the country's military forces. It would be extremely difficult to top this Remington Model 1917 rifle in any way! This rifle would be a real show piece in any collection! Search for hlvfineguns for more details. Curio&Relic LHRE (3) F. 489 -20 Price: $4200.00 SOLD Curio/Relic: Yes Manufacturer: Remington Model: 1917 Rifle Serial Number: 561704 Barrel Length: 26 Inch.
Eddystone Arsenal
Bolt Action, .30-06 Cal., 6 Round Capacity
Reminggton Model 241 22 Rifle And Remington Model 1917 Rifle Serial Numbers Where to buy 2019 Ads, Deals and Sales.
Make: Model 1917 | Model: Rifle |
Arsenal: Eddystone, PA (Remington) | Serial #: 317816 |
Caliber: .30 caliber | Date of Manufacturer: February 1918 |
Action: Modified Mauser Turn Bolt | Capacity: 6 Rounds |
Barrel Length: 26' (marked 'E 8-18') | Overall Length: 46.25' |
Other Numbers: | Import Mark?: None |
Weight: 9 lbs. 3 oz. |
Picked this up in a gun shop in Buffalo, TX on March 7, 2008. I'm calling it my belated birthday present. Got the price in line to what I wanted to pay for it and took it home. This gun appears to be all Eddystone with the exception of the bolt, which is Winchester.
Close Up Views
Visible Numbers and Markings
Serial number 317816
Is this some sort of marking or damage on the top of the receiver?

Rear aircraft sight.
Ordinance bomb on receiver.

Ordinance bomb on top of bolt.
There is a 'W' on the bottom of the bolt handle. Above this there is a 'SN'. This denotes that the bolt is of Winchester manufacturer. The 'E' on the bolt stop denotes Eddystone.
Model Of 1917 Remington
There is an 'E' above the Ordinance Bomb denoting an Eddystone barrel. The '8-18' means the barrel was produced in August of 1918.
M1917 Enfield rifle
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The M1917 Enfield, the 'American Enfield' (frequently misidentified or mislabeled as the 'P17', 'P1917', or 'Pattern 1917'), formally named 'United States Rifle, cal .30, Model of 1917' was an American modification and production of the British .303 caliber P14 rifle developed and manufactured during the period 1917-1918.
When the British Empire entered World War I, it had an urgent need for rifles and contracts were placed with companies in the United States. In the case of the P14 rifle, Winchester and Remington were selected. When the U.S. entered the war, it had a similar extreme need for rifles. Rather than re-tool completely, the factories, under the close supervision of the US Army Ordnance Department, altered the design for caliber .30-06. Winchester produced the rifle at their New Haven, Connecticut plant and Remington at their main facility at Ilion, New York and at another plant in Eddystone, Pennsylvania. The M1917 Bayonet was also produced and used on several other small arms.
The new rifle was used alongside the M1903 Springfield rifle and quickly surpassed the Springfield design in numbers produced and units issued. By November 11, 1918 about 75% of the AEF were armed with M1917s. After the armistice, M1917 rifles were disposed of as surplus or placed in storage for the most part, although Chemical Mortar units continued to be issued the M1917.
At the time of the American entry in to World War II, the American Army was still issuing the M1917 to Chemical Mortarmen. Perhaps due to rifle shortages at the start of the war, the M1917 was also issued to artillerymen early in the war, and both mortarmen and artillerymen carried the M1917 in North Africa. Otherwise, before and during World War II, stored rifles were reconditioned for use issue as reserve, training, and Lend-Lease weapons; these rifles are identified by having refinished metal (sandblasted and Parkerized) and sometimes replacement wood (often birch). Many were sent to Britain for use by the British Home Guard. These were prominently marked with red paint to avoid confusion with the earlier P14 that used different ammunition. Others were supplied to the Nationalist Chinese forces and to the Free French, both of which can occasionally be seen in photographs being used in action.
A continuing source of debate among historians concerns what rifle was used by Sgt. Alvin York during his famous action against the Germans in WWI. While York's son has made mention that Sgt. York used a Springfield, the weapon issued to him was an M1917. (The film starring Gary Cooper as Sgt. York had him using an M1903 and a German Luger pistol.)
While developed at the same arsenal, the M1917 is not a version of the .303 caliber rifle of c. 1890-1955, the Lee-Enfield (such as the SMLE version). Both were developed at the Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield (arsenal) in the United Kingdom. The M1917 was actually a development of the Mauser 98 rifle. Due to the use of rimmed cartridges in the P14, the magazine capacity for the smaller diameter 30-06 was 6 rounds, although stripper clips held only five cartridges.
The action was used as the basis for a variety of commercial and gunsmith-made sporting rifles between the world wars and after; surplus receivers and tooling were used by Remington to produce their Model 30 series of rifles in the interwar period. Some (approximately 3000) M1917 rifles were produced in 7 mm and sold to Honduras around 1930.
Administrator Posts: 680 Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:38 pm Location: NY | Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:00 pm Here is some information that you can get from you serial number after 1921 Remington's manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. The following letters correspond to the months of the year Month Codes: [first letter] B - L - A - C - K - P - O - W - D - E - R - X 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 Year:---------Code: [second and/or third letters] 1930----------Y 1931----------Z 1932----------A 1933----------B 1934----------C 1935----------D 1936----------E 1937----------F 1938----------G 1939----------H 1940---------- J 1941---------- K 1942---------- L 1943---------- MMZ 1944---------- NN 1945---------- PP 1946---------- RR 1947---------- SS 1948---------- TT 1949---------- UU 1950---------- WW 1951---------- XX 1952---------- YY 1953---------- ZZ 1954---------- A 1955---------- B 1956---------- C 1957---------- D 1958---------- E 1959---------- F 1960---------- G 1961---------- H 1962---------- J 1963---------- K 1964---------- L 1965---------- M 1966---------- N 1967---------- P 1968---------- R 1969---------- S 1970---------- T 1971---------- U 1972---------- W 1973---------- X 1974---------- Y 1975---------- Z 1976---------- I 1977---------- O 1978---------- Q 1979---------- V 1980---------- A 1981---------- B 1982---------- C 1983---------- D 1984---------- E 1985---------- F 1986---------- G 1987---------- H 1988---------- I 1989---------- J 1990---------- K 1991---------- L 1992---------- M 1993---------- N 1994---------- O 1995---------- P 1996---------- Q 1997---------- R 1998---------- S 1999---------- T 2000---------- U 2001---------- W 2002---------- X Using barrel codes (such as those listed above) to date the manufacture are reliable on Remington rifles, as the company rarely changed barrels on a customer's rifle. Using these barrel codes to date a shotgun is somewhat unreliable, as shotgun barrels are often interchanged at random. One needs to be sure that the barrel is original to the gun before trusting the Barrel Code listing, above. (*) On 8/9/99, stopped stamping the barrels with the date code. They continued to mark the date code on the end flap of the shipping box. They resumed stamping the date code on the barrel on 10/1/01. Also http://oldguns.net/sn_php/remdates.php |