Leica M2 Serial Numbers


The MP2 is a modified, professional version of the Leica M2, equipped with a special electric motor drive. It has been made in a test series of only 27 examples, only 6 of them (with serial numbers 912) have been finished in black paint, which makes this camera one of the rarest known Leica cameras. This is the list of Leitz and Leica lens serial numbers (not cameras) and which year that lens was approximately produced. Also visit the Leica Lens Compendium and the Leica Camera Compendium. For detailed reading and a complete range of serial numbers you may find the Leica Compendium by Erwin Puts helpful. You may also look up a specific lens serial number at the French Summilux.net. Button Rewind - Early M2's had a button rewind (to release the spool) and no self-timer. M2 serials 947,501 and up were updated to have a lever release and timer. Black Paint - The M2/M3 mainly came in chromed brass. Only a handful of black paint variations were ever released. Post 1,000,000 serial numbers are worth more That's a myth. The Leica M2, a sister to the M3, was to be a runaway success. The biggest failing of the Leica IIIg against the competition is it still lacked the combined VF/RF assemblies of its competitors. A combined viewfinder and rangefinder assembly allows for a single, much larger eye piece for focusing and composing at the same time.

Page 18 In addition to its name, every LEICA lens also carries its own serial number engraved on the front mount. Make a note of this number, as well as of the serial number of your LEICA; it may prove to be of great help in case of loss. Page 19: Lens Hoods The Ever-ready Case protects the LEICA M 2 yet keeps it ready to shoot at all times.

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Leica Serial Numbers vs. Production Year

Leica Serial Numbers vs. Production Year

By: Thorsten Overgaard

This is the list of Leitz and Leica lens serial numbers (not cameras) and which year that lens was approximately produced. Also visit the Leica Lens Compendium and the Leica Camera Compendium.

For detailed reading and a complete range of serial numbers you may find the Leica Compendium by Erwin Puts helpful.

You may also look up a specific lens serial number at the French Summilux.net

Start S/N

End S/N

Production year

156 001

195 000


195 001

236 000


236 001

284 600


284 601

345 000


345 001

416 500


416 501

490 000


490 001

538 500


538 501

565 000


565 001

582 294


582 295

593 000


593 001

594 880


594 881

595 000


595 001

601 000


601 001

633 000


633 001

647 000


647 001

682 000


682 001

756 000


756 001

840 000


840 001

950 000


950 001

1 051 000


1 051 000

1 124 000


1 124 001

1 236 000


1 236 001

1 333 000


1 333 001

1 459 000


1 459 001

1 548 000


1 548 001

1 645 300


1 645 301

1 717 000


1 717 001

1 827 000


1 827 001

1 913 000


1 913 001

1 967 100


1 967 101

2 015 700


2 015 701

2 077 500


2 077 501

2 156 300


2 156 301

2 236 500


2 236 501

2 254 400


2 254 401

2 312 750


2 312 751

2 384 700


2 384 701

2 468 500


2 468 501

2 503 100


2 503 101

2 556 500


2 556 501

2 663 400


2 663 401

2 731 900


2 731 901

2 761 100


2 761 101

2 809 400


2 809 401

2 880 600


2 880 601

2 967 250


2 967 251

3 013 650


3 013 651

3 087 000


3 087 001

3 160 500


3 160 501

3 249 100


3 249 101

3 294 900


3 294 901

3 346 200


3 346 201

3 383 200


3 383 201

3 422 890


3 422 891

3 455 870


3 455 871

3 478 900


3 478 901

3 503 150


3 503 151

3 540 467


3 540 468

3 583 830


3 585 831

3 610 680


3 610 381

3 644 475


3 644 476

3 677 030


3 677 031

3 730 290


3 730 291 3 770 920 1996
3 770 930 3 818 624 1997
3 818 625 3 857 849 1998
3 857 850 3 882 996 1999
3 882 997 3 912 247 2000

3 912 248

3 941 497


3 941 498 3 970 748 2002
3 970 748 3 999 999 2003
4 000 000 4 010 600 2004
4 010 601 4 025 900 2005
4 025 901 4 034 900 2006
4 034 901 4 057 000 2007
4 057 001 4 080 000 2008
4 080 001 2009 -->

To be continued ...

– Thorsten Overgaard, May 2012

Above: My doughter Robin Isabella von Overgaard posing in her Noctilux 0.95 t-shirt. Leica M9 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M f/1.0

Also visit:

NEW: Advanced Photo Workshop
Leica Definitions
Leica History
'Photographer For Sale'
Leica Lens Compendium
Leica Camera Compendium
Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95
Leica 35-70mm Vario-Elmarit-R ASPH f/2.8
Leica Digilux 2
Leica X1
Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica S2 medium format dSLR

Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish writer and photographer, specializing in portrait photography and documentary photography, known for writings about photography and as an educator.Some photos are available as signed editions via galleries or online. For specific photography needs, contact Thorsten Overgaard via e-mail.

Feel free to e-mail to thorsten@overgaard.dk for
advice, ideas or improvements.

· © Copyright 1996-2018 · Thorsten von Overgaard


© 1996 - 2018 Thorsten von Overgaard. All rights reserved

Leica serial numbers bodySerial

I have been finding, using and collecting old cameras for over fifty years, so when my wife and I found ourselves in Australia at quite short notice, to look after our first grandchild, I was keen to see what a big city on the other side of the world might have to offer.

Camera hunting has changed considerably over my lifetime, and the chances of finding high-end vintage kit in the days of the internet are pretty low, though I did see the 'five-dollar Leica' story a while ago.
Nothing is impossible, but cameras with a famous name are likely to be researched, and eBay can usually provide at least a ball-park valuation figure. But this does not mean that camera-hunting is over!

Whilst buying cameras for a song is less common, there is much in using your own expertise to weigh up possible bargains. Flea markets are quite challenging, since appraising a camera that might have spent a lot of time in damp, dusty conditions in limited time is hard, and usually offers have to be low.

When the camera looks good, the fun for me is balancing what makes it desirable against a sensible degree of caution. Nobody likes to waste money, and it is easy to get carried away with cameras I like!
In the case of this Leica it had with it a very unusual gizmo, a flash synchroniser, not made by Leitz, but high-quality, and made for this camera, so I knew it had some value to collectors, which I could offset against the asking price. But it also had a big demerit- the external serial number had been erased.
For some this would be a deal-breaker, but not so much when one wants to enjoy actually using it. Back to the asking price. It was fairly reasonable, but the seller was unsure about the shutter, so my offer had to reflect this.
The shop was made up of individual display cases rented out to the sellers, so I asked the manager if the seller would take an offer. He replied that no, that never happened with that seller, so there was no point in even asking. I had never heard of this in my decades of buying, so I asked for the seller's email.
That evening we agreed a price, and I picked up the camera the next day. I paid roughly half what a similar camera, with the erasure, would fetch, and resolved the uncertainties about the shutter by paying it some close attention. The moral is that it's always worth asking. In Op shops where no cameras are on display I always ask, and from time to time I'm rewarded with a big box carried out from the back of the shop. 'We don't bother to put these out- we don't know whether they work...'

Serial Numbers Office

The Leica is what the old antiques guru Arthur Negus would have called 'right'. He would cast an appraising eye over (say) a little Georgian Pembroke table, examine the patina, and note that it has never been substantially chopped around or made up from other tables, and that the wear from two hundred years of use is all in the expected places - literally fair wear and tear.
The table does not look the same as when it emerged from the workshop, but bears the scars of its history. It might even have a crack or scorch mark, or joints might need re-gluing, but it would still be 'right' if it isn't pretending to be something it isn't.

My Leica is certainly right. Pick it up, and the black enamel paint is worn through to the brass exactly where hands have touched it most often. Nothing is missing, except one tiny screw, and the vulcanite covering is beautifully smooth, with just one small chip missing at the side.

Look through the viewfinder- it is brand-new clean, though the rangefinder at the side needs adjusting. Wind it on. The knob turns smoothly, and a press of the shutter button delivers the quiet whisper oft described as a kiss. Put a lens on, and this is a fully working camera, though it was made ninety years ago, and has seen a lot of use.

And abuse, since the beautifully engraved top plate, with the swirly Leica name has the marks of hasty violence alongside the patina. In the early Thirties this little camera cost the equivalent of two of three months' middle class salary, perhaps five or six months' for a labourer.
So, much more expensive than an iPhone- a desirable luxury item available only to the rich or the very determined. You could buy a decent camera for family snapshots for a tenth of the price.
Who in their right minds would take a knife to such an elegant object? This was not accidental damage, since it is aimed at one important place- the serial number. The numerals have been scratched and shaved away, and the surface has been polished, just to make sure. Nothing remains of that vital number on the exterior.

It wasn't vandalism as such. Luxury cars sometimes get keyed, but cameras are not public enough to attract a random attack. And it wasn't an accident- this is not the slip of a repairer's screwdriver. Whoever wielded the knife meant to do it, and was in a hurry.

It is true that high-end cameras were sometimes defaced in order to make them unsaleable, thus protecting imports and avoiding taxes. There are so many stories about this from different countries that it is hard to establish whether it is likely in this case. A few photographers deface their cameras to make them unattractive to steal, or in the case of engraved initials or numbers, to make them their own.

The Leica camera is famous, not quite a household word perhaps, but well known amongst anyone interested in photography, since the brand still thrives today. Perhaps its two most iconic photographs are that one of Che Guevara on countless teeshirts and one of a fat man jumping over a puddle- one of Henri Cartier-Bresson's 'decisive moments'.

The inventor of the Leica was Oskar Barnack, a brilliant engineer who worked for the old optical company Leitz. His health did not allow him to carry round a big wood and brass camera with heavy glass plate negatives, so he was motivated to develop a tiny one, which used movie film.
This required better lenses than were usual at the time, because of the degree of enlargement needed. When his colleague Max Berek designed a lens with the quality needed, the Leica was born, and was an immediate success, despite the high cost. Suddenly, a camera could take high quality photographs anywhere.

Leica M3 Serial Numbers

This Leica was made in 1932 or 33. In a few years it would be in wartime Germany, or perhaps carried abroad by a member of the military. Looters were shot, so a looter would wish to make the camera anonymous, unaware of the other serial number hidden on the camera chassis, under the top plate. It would escape casual inspection, at least. When I get back to the UK all should be revealed, as that top plate will come of as part of general cleaning and adjustment.

There is another possibility- 'spoils of war'. I don't know exactly what the rules were in WWII, but have seen military paperwork signed by a commanding officer, to the effect that a camera, with make and serial number quoted, had been acquired by an individual as spoils of war, and could thus be brought home legally.
I expect this covered everything from picking up a camera on the battlefield to confiscating or bartering one for a prisoner, and there are stories of cameras changing hands for a packet of cigarettes.

Once acquired, someone might have simply wished to make it untraceable in peacetime.

Vintage Leica Serial Numbers

We will never know the route it traveled from Wetzlar in Germany to an antiques shop in Melbourne, Australia. For me, the finder, the erasure, rather than ruining the camera, gives it added interest, and there is no question of trying to repair the damage.
Black paint Leicas with this appropriate brassing are attractive to collectors, and having the serial number erased will make it less valuable than one with it intact. It is still a beautiful camera to own and use, and I bought it quite cheaply, so I'm very pleased to add it to my collection and at least run a few rolls of film through it.