Extract Embedded File Word Office For Mac

In today’s article, we will provide you with 2 quick ways to extract all the MS office files embedded in your Word document. Every so often, we could inherit a Word document containing multiple embedded files, such as below: Normally, to export them, we will have to open the file and then save it. She was seeing the attachments embedded in the body of the email instead of in the Attachments area below the subject line. She wanted to know why that happened, and how she could get it fixed. First, here’s what an embedded file looks like in an email: Normally, the file shows up in the Attached field under the Subject line. Here we’ll look at ways to include (attach or embed) a PDF into a Word document. The PDF is saved into the.docx file which is convenient but also makes the document a lot bigger. If you ‘drag and drop’ (or copy and paste) a PDF into a Word document it’ll appear as an icon. Readers can click the icon to open the PDF. Office 2011 for Mac: Embed Objects in a Word Document. By Geetesh Bajaj. The embedded object appears in your document as an icon that can be double-clicked to open the embedded object. Select an object type from the Object Type list or click the From File button. I Cant Open An Embedded In Microsft Word Download The Program; You can extract images from a Microsoft Office document with a simple trick. The Office XML based file formatsdocx, xlsx, and pptxare actually compressed archives that you can open like any normal.zip file with Windows. From there, you can extract images, text, and other embedded files.

TechNote 73


EmbeddedExtract embedded file word office for mac downloadExtract embedded file word office for mac shortcut
The information on this page applies to:
  • MathType for Windows and Mac
  • Equation Editor (e.g., Microsoft Equation 3) for Windows and Mac
All supported versions of Word for Windows and Mac


Many users become alarmed when the equations in their Microsoft Word document is displayed in the cryptic form of { EMBED Equation.DSMT4 } or { EMBED Equation } instead of the actual MathType or Microsoft Equation equations.


Extract embedded excel file from word document

These representations are a feature in Microsoft Word called Field Codes. They are used to help Word identify objects, such as equations, in your document. You only see them when the option is turned on, in which case they appear on-screen, in print, or both on the screen and in print.


{ EMBED Equation } or { EMBED Equation.DSMT4 } on screen

If you find that your equations are not displaying on-screen but instead are displaying something like { EMBED Equation } or { EMBED Equation.DSMT4 }, you can change your view settings in Word to correct this. To do so,

  1. Select
    • Office Button > Word Options > Advanced (Word 2007)
    • File tab > Options > Advanced (Word 2010 and later)
  2. Uncheck the box for 'Field Codes' or 'Field codes instead of values'.

At this point, the equations contained within the Word document should display correctly. Other ways you can toggle this property are:

  • Via keystroke; the Word keyboard shortcut is Alt+F9 (Win) or +F9 (Mac).
  • Via the Word toolbar; the toolbar button in Word looks like '{a}'. This is not one of the default buttons but can be added to the Word toolbars by using Word's Customize command. For more information about customizing your Word toolbars, please consult your Microsoft Word online help.

Any of the above methods will allow you to toggle the field codes off and on that will allow you to see the equations.

Extract embedded file word office for mac shortcut

{ EMBED Equation } or { EMBED Equation.DSMT4 } in print

If you find your equations are not printing but instead are displaying something like { EMBED Equation } or { EMBED Equation.DSMT4 }, you can change your print settings in Word to correct this. To do this:

  1. Select Word > Preferences (Word for Mac), or Office button (or File tab) Options (Windows).
  2. Select the Print button (Mac) or Advanced/Print (Windows).
  3. Uncheck the box for 'Field Codes' or 'Print field codes instead of their values'.

At this point, if you print your document, the objects contained within the Word document should print out correctly.

We hope this has been helpful. As always, please let us know if you have questions about this, or if you have additional techniques that work. We'd love to hear from you.

The other day, a customer emailed me and asked a question about the attachments in her email. She was seeing the attachments embedded in the body of the email instead of in the Attachments area below the subject line. She wanted to know why that happened, and how she could get it fixed.

First, here’s what an embedded file looks like in an email:

Normally, the file shows up in the Attached field under the Subject line:

The reason for the change in behavior is that your email formatting has been changed from HTML to Rich Text:

When the setting is Rich Text, all attachments are placed within the body of the email, and you can determine where they are placed by putting your cursor where you want the attachment to show up. If you want the attachments to show up in the Attached field, just change the setting to be HTML.

Extract Word Document

If you want to fix that for all emails, go to the Outlook Options by selecting File > Options, and make the following setting change: