Entering The Bahamas
- Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Files Online
- Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf
- Bahamas Immigration Act
- Bahamas Immigration Card Download
Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Merge. For every dollar donated, $. NAM to support it’s programs and services. Northwest Assistance Ministries is a nonprofit. Directorate general of immigration and emigration p.o.6229 kigali form for foreigner's identity card formulaire de la carte d'identite pour etranger.
Private pilots will need:

- Three (3) copies of the C7A download Bahamas Cruising Permit form)
- One (1) Bahamas Immigration Card per person
- Proof of Citizenship—Passport
Download a welcome message from the Comptroller of Customs
Outward Bound From United States
File a Flight Plan (DVFR or IFR).
File an eAPIS manifest outbound (we recommend doing the inbound at the same time).
Must have a Coast Guard-approved life jacket for each person on board.
Activate Flight Plan before leaving Florida. Radio frequencies:
Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Files Online
- Palm Beach 122.40 - Miami/Fort Lauderdale 122.20 - Fort Pierce 122.55
Prior to landing, close your flight plan with Nassau radio on 124.2 or 128.00. In order to close you may call 1-800-WXBRIEF or Nassau 1-242-377-7176. You can also use the blue phone at your disposal at your airport of entry free of charge.
Must land at an airport of entry (AOE) to clear customs and immigration.
Need to turn in 3 copies of the C7A download form) general declaration form as well as a Bahamas immigration card—1 per person.
Customs Processing Fee: $50.00 per Aircraft, Inward only. (Please ensure all pilots complete a C7A form. This is the fee for Private aircrafts-defined by Bahamas Customs.)
If you fly VFR, you can contact Miami Flight Service for flight following and issuing a discreet squawk code. Frequencies are:
- Fort Pierce 132.25 - Palm Beach area 124.6 - Fort Lauderdale Executive 128.6 - Fort Lauderdale International 125.7, 133.85, 134.6
- Close VFR Flight Plan.
Flight plan filing: Call 1-800-WXBRIEF and file your flight plan over the phone. Computer-based systems are also valid such as www.fltplan.com.
File the eAPIS manifest. Before filing the eAPIS manifest, you need to enroll in the eAPIS manifest program.
Navigate the eAPIS program to enter pilot and crew information as well as airplane information. This needs to be done ahead of time but at least one hour prior to departure. You need to submit a notice of departure.
You do NOT need to depart from a US Airport of Entry (AOE).
Close the flight plan.
Clear Bahamian customs.
See also the US Customs Requirements
Leaving The Bahamas
Private pilots will need:
- One (1) copy of The Bahamas Customs General Declaration Outward Form (C7) download PDF
- To turn in The Bahamas Immigration card copy
- To file a flight plan
- To call and advise US Customs of your ETA via a land line and get “code” from Custom Officer US Customs contact info
All persons six years and older leaving The Islands Of The Bahamas must pay a Government Departure Tax of $29.00.
Inward Bound To United States
Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf
File eAPIS manifest.
You need to file the eAPIS manifest to return to US at least one hour prior to departure. This can be done one day or many weeks ahead of time. See attached index for more details.You must depart from an Airport of Entry (AOE).
File one copy of The Bahamas Customs (C7 PDF and turn in The Bahamas immigration carbon copy.
Pay departure tax of $29 per person.
Call and advise US Customs of your ETA via a land line and get “code” from the Customs Officer.
File an International Flight Plan (242-377-7116 or 1-800-WX-BRIEF). If in the air, call Nassau Radio on 124.2, 128.0.
Activate your flight plan with Nassau on 124.2, 128.0 (Nassau Radio) or 122.3 (Freeport Radio). If you are unable to do this, activate with Miami Radio 126.7, 126.9 or 118.4. In Bimini, activate your flight plan on 122.1 (Miami Remote no voice) or listen to Bimini VOR 116.7.
VFR flights must receive a discrete transponder code from FSS 126.7 (Miami Radio) before penetrating the ADIZ zone. Flight Service is responsible, not Approach Control.
Prior to landing, close your flight plan on 126.7. If you are not able to, close at Customs office with 1-800-WX-BRIEF.
You must land at an Airport of Entry on the East Coast.
Take all baggage out of airplane and proceed directly to Customs.
Prepare the necessary documents, US Arrival Report (pilots only) and Customs Declaration cards (1 per family). Please fill out in advance if possible.
See also the US Customs Requirements
Clearing ProceduresVisiting boaters must clear customs and immigration in Alice Town or nearby Cat Cay. As you enter port, fly the yellow quarantine flag. Once docked, the captain is permitted to leave the boat in order to clear the boat and crew with local customs and immigration. All crew are required to remain onboard until the captain returns with vessel clearance. All visitors entering The Bahamas must make a customs declaration upon arrival.
Adult visitors are allowed to bring in 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes or one pound of tobacco, one quart of spirits and personal effects. Specifically, Bahamas Customs requires the following:. Vessel's Registration.
Completion of the Maritime Declaration Form. Completion of the Inward Report FormEveryone on board must have proof of citizenship and fill out an immigration card.
Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Free Download
Bahamas Immigration Act
Citizens can present a passport or birth certificate (original or certified copy) along with an official photo I.D., such as a driver's license or voter's card. Before leaving, be sure to surrender your copy of the immigration card. Specifically, Bahamas Immigration requires the following:. Completion of Inward Passenger & Crew Manifest form. Completion of an Immigration Card for each person arriving on the vessel. Clearing Procedures - HolidaysDuring holidays, special events and other high-demand periods, Bimini Bay Resort can arrange for Customs & Immigrations Officials to process entry on-site at Bimini Bay Marina.
A list of standard holidays is below. Please contact the Dockmaster by phone at 242-347-6031 or by radio on VHF 16 or 68 prior to arrival to confirm the appropriate Customs & Immigration processing location. Standard Holidays:. Memorial Day.
Check out the Customs and Immigration information for entering Bahamas by visiting this page. Bahamas Immigration Laws & Work Permits. In other words, free trade in both goods and people. The moral principle here is that if a Bahamian wishes to spend his wealth on a foreigner, that is his business, and not the business of any other Bahamian–whether he be businessman, laborer, or misguided statist bureaucrat.
4th of July. Labor DayEntry FeesThe current fee is $150 for boats up to 29' 11' in length and $300 for boats over 30 feet. This covers a vessel with four persons or fewer. The fee covers the cruising permit, fishing permit, Customs and Immigration charges and the $15 per person departure tax for up to four persons. The clearance fee entitles the vessel to two entries during a 90-day period.Each additional person above four is charged a $15.00 departure tax (this tax is $18.00 for each additional person above four departing Freeport, Grand Bahama Island). If you plan to stay longer than 12 months, special arrangements must be made with Bahamas Customs and Immigration.Regular hours for Bahamas Customs and Immigration Officers are weekdays 9 a.m.
Bahamas Immigration Card Download
Bahamas Immigration Card Download
For Winter months and 9 a.m. For Summer months. Officers are on-call during holidays and weekends.
There is no overtime charge.